
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Renters Insurance

Soap Box on the Importance of Renters Insurance

If you don't have renters insurance you need it. Please get some today! It doesn't cost very much a year. Ours is cheaper than our the upgrade on our internet a month.

 Benefits of Renters Insurance:
  • Protection in case of fire, vandalism, and other disasters.
  • What if your toilet explodes while your out on a date and you come home to a pool in your house? Yep, insurance covers that!
  • Coverage of personal possessions during shipment (moving) or storage.
  • Travel (luggage and other items can be covered in some policies)
  • Legal protection if someone is injured on your property and decided to sue. 
  • Get started by knowing your possessions and how much you own.

 Best wishes!  Get your things insured so you know that they covered currently just in case of disasters and for the future when you move. Accidents happen when you move especially when you DITY or with movers they aren't always extremely careful with your things.

Edit 8/12/2012

I have my nice jewelry on "riders". Most insurance only covers $2,500 for jewelry or less. Its really important to have your nice pieces such as engagement rings, diamond earrings, heirloom pieces, and whatever you have covered for their replacement value. 

9 Months out

Currently we're at 9  months out from our tentative move date. It seems like there is alot of time between our move and your probably wondering what could we possibly be doing to organize and stay busy.

  • Organized the husbands clothing (lots of stuff donated)!
  • Went through our kitchen supplies and got rid of some plastic cups that were not used and found a few with cracks (yikes bacteria growing). 
  • Organized our storage unit. 
  • Decided that our polka dot bathroom is not making the move with us. It's cute, but it's gonna be put on craigslist before we move. 
  • Went through the pantry to have a better idea of what sorts of food we have. No use in not eating all of our dry foods before we leave. How on earth are we gonna eat 3 tubs of Peanut Butter?
  • I created a spreadsheet of all the things we own and how much it would cost to replace them. I will add photos of all the furniture, electronics(while on and working with a time stamp) the week prior to our move.
  • I had to call our insurance man to increase our renters insurance.